
This is the place to find fine art prints, original works, and greeting cards. The giclee prints are made on a state of the art professional grade Epson printer using archival quality pigments, and arrive signed by the artist. Shirts and onesies pair a standout image with classic apparel.

"Life Begins Again When a Baby is Born" Giclee Print--8" x 10"


"Life Begins Again When a Baby is Born" Giclee Print--8" x 10"


This mixed media piece was commissioned by a soon-to-be-mother. She was planning on a water birth at home, and she was looking for an art piece she could focus on to help her relax, and allow for the flow of contractions. Here the cave represents the pelvis or womb. The sound that’s heard from the conch shell is said to be the “Om” sound, believed to be the very first sound of creation. Through the delivery the woman visualized transitioning the baby from the womb into the calm water and light. She and her husband are now proud parents.

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